@2003^10^30@A letter from Principal Dara of a Tungtien elementary school
The letter which asked for contribution and support with a pamphlet to introduce an elementary school to from Principal Dara of a Tungtien elementary school in October, 2003 arrived.
Tungtien village elementary school
Omkoi county Chiang Mai prefecture
October 30, 2003 (French calendar 2546)

There is this Tungtien elementary school in the fifth Chiang Mai education ward.
Here is 216km away from Chiang Mai, and it is an inconvenient place.
This school is 22 kilos away from a Omkoi town office.
As for the current number of enrolled students, there are 183 people in total from youth of a kindergarten to a sixth grader. As for the boy student, there are 76 people, girl student 107. A classroom has 12 rooms.
All of a student is mountains race named Karen and They walk 3-8 kilos from five villages of a neighborhood to a school and attend school.
When it is wet season, a road is intercepted by rainwater, and traffic becomes very inconvenient.
Students still attend school barefoot while getting wet in the rain.
Clothes get wet and get sick.
A student of this school is only the children that there is not a chance of study with poverty.
There is a village in a mountain. Therefore the distance from a house of a student to a school is long, and a road disappears when it is it in wet season and cannot come to a school.
As the solution method, we leave a student living than a radius of 3km in a school and do life to stay among schools.
Now 54 students live at school.
Therefore many problems occur.
A particularly big problem is lack to relate to all the food, clothing and shelter.
Everyday food or tableware are short, too.
Support from various support groups (a volunteer, a city, a country) is insufficient, too.
All things which are necessary for the teaching materials, teaching tools, study are short.
There are a lot of thing things which are troubled elsewhere.
I can want you to help it for students particularly now. I taught a haircut for the upper grades this year (French calendar 2546 / Christian era 2003), but it was to lack a hair clipper and scissors and Kagami and the chair which were necessary for the haircut.
What we expect is a thing comprising a haircut room so that students are always clean.
A possible range is good enough. I ask for support.
If there were a study tool or a life article to be able to hand over to these underprivileged students, I am good enough why. I ask a group near you, a company for an appeal of contribution.
I am really happy if you can come to consider this situation and understand it.
In addition, I express sincere appreciation for the one that I contributed.
Thank you very much.

Tungtien village elementary school
Principal Dara Yanroat

The pamphlet which I introduced a Tungtien elementary school to